“Happy IWD to all women especially our SGP female led projects and their efforts towards environmental conservation and climate change. Collectively, we can all ‘Break the Bias’ !”…
How can you help Ukraine?
Click or tap on heading or image below for direct information.
Thanks greatly for the support!
Eleven Local Cleantech Companies To Benefit From BCCI Representation And Support
CLICK the link to read more: (https://sgp.undp.org/resources-155/our-stories/653-accelerating-local-action-and-innovation-with-microsoft-s-project-15.html)
“Twelve circular inventions that, if combined, can reduce…”
“Twelve circular inventions that, if combined, can reduce between 285 and 695 billion tonnes CO2 equivalents during the next 30 years.” (BitEgreen Market Inc. is focused on areas 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 &12 on the chart.) Read more…
Export Barbados is building a unique innovation ecosystem for Cleantech.
Export Barbados is building a unique innovation ecosystem for young Cleantech entrepreneurs and SMEs!
[Also view related article: https://www.prmrinc.net/news-releases/the-cleantech-cluster-barbados-bloom-presents-bds100000-in-business-incubator-grants
and article in Bioisland – The premier biotech magazine of Barbados – (Issue one, pp40): “Nurturing a Budding Cleantech Cluster”]
Coronavirus and Climate Change
The Cleantech Cluster Barbados (BLOOM) Presents BDS$100,000 in Business Incubator Grants
BitEgreen Market Venture – Part 1
The complexity in developing environmental solutions is the interconnectedness with all aspects of life. Any solution can appear to have a positive impact on an issue; however, most solutions – even green ones, will likely create another environmental problem simultaneously.
Our system reduces the likelihood of contributing to other environmental and social problems while going about daily business and tasks; and increases action on multiple sustainable development goals in a single solution for greater success in achieving global goals.
Our system named BitEgreen, is designed to increase environmental awareness; and the earning power of each citizen and organization; it is positioned to achieve social justice through reducing hunger of persons and families in need; and to further encourage healthy lifestyles for tackling health crises; and is an avenue for exercising environmental stewardship that can further reduce pollution by 70% and affect climate change within 47% of total greenhouse gas emissions.
So yes, our work addresses climate change; waste management; food and natural resource security; health; essential knowledge transfer; and public motivation towards responsible industry in a seamless solution; to produce unusual data, that give an overview of the impact on sustainable development issues in real time.
Any legal business/organization/individual will be able to join our system globally to participate in this initiative to their benefit as well as others and the environment.
Various organizations are supporting this initiative; others have requested information; or to participate in testing phases. If you are also eager to participate, please feel free to contact us also… that is perfectly fine. This has been a great learning experience for the team and we can’t wait to continue collaborating with you in 2022 and beyond!🎉
Above is a clip (from a larger video) that will seek to capture our development/journey as we transition towards our product/service.
Here’s wishing you all a prosperous 2022 and beyond on behalf of the team @Cembiorg / @BitEgreenMarket. 🥂 Cheers!
Learn more about the Circular Economy here.