Solution conceptualization (i.e. Think Tank), development and budget management of projects; regarding the execution of tasks that support “Thematic Clusters of Sustainable Development as listed by the United Nations.”
At CEMBI, eco-innovation services are available per business project.
What is eco-innovation? According to the European Commission, eco-innovation is any innovation resulting in significant progress towards the goal of sustainable development, by reducing the impacts of our production modes on the environment, enhancing nature’s resilience to environmental pressures, or achieving a more efficient and responsible use of natural resources.
Services include:
1) consultation to establish the best way forward to greening your product or service,
2) development of an operational plan, and
3) implementation of the plan.
CEMBI’s main objectives are to catalyse communities and businesses to achieve results in regard to Sustainable Development: Goal 2– Zero Hunger, Goal 3– Good Health and Well-being, Goal 6– Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 8– Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 9– Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 10– Reduced Inequalities; Goal 11– Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 12– Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal 13– Climate Action, Goal 14– Life Below Water, Goal 15– Life on Land, and Goal 17– Partnerships for the Goals.

According to Mike Kallet, “Critical Thinking is a toolset, a methodology, and a process that you use during activities such as problem solving, decision making, innovation, leading, negotiating, influencing, and more. Critical thinking aims to make an overall or holistic judgment about the data/information which is free from false premises or bias as much as possible.
Strategic Thinking is another activity, joining the list above, where you use Critical Thinking as a tool. Strategic Thinking is thinking beyond the specific issue or task at hand. You look at consequences, implications, interdependencies, and indirect affects, all in both the short and longer term. It’s an activity where you look beyond the immediate goal or issue in the context of the world around you, not just the content of the moment.”
Synthesis involves the combination of ideas and information to form a theory or system.

1》 ETHICAL AND MORAL DILEMMAS: Critical thinking sometimes involves the formation of ethical codes.
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