Within the CEMBI / (Cembiorg) team, there is expert knowledge in a wide range of natural resource and environmental management issues including coastal and marine resource management, general natural resource management, climate change, health and sustainable tourism; complemented by expertise in project management, law, information communications technology (ICT), behavioural change, public awareness, innovation and education. Required skills must be demonstrated by successfully carrying out tasks requested by project managers prior to the start of a project. Also required, is a desire to giveback through protecting the environment by volunteering skills and time to green projects.
The alliance comprises various independent consultants, entrepreneurs or affiliations and their teams including UNDP (under David Bynoe, Ph.D. – [GEF-SGP] & Miguel Guirao), UNICEF (under David Knaute, Ph.D.); and BLOOM Cleantech Cluster (team & partners) in association with Export Barbados – BIDC, UNIDO & the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) – the cluster was initially managed under Jari Aaltonen of UNIDO and presently Terrell Thompson, Ph.D. of Export Barbados – BIDC; all mobilized during the second phase following the completion of an initial in-depth solution plan resulting from the Founder‘s ideation process for “BitEgreen Market,” with support from a creative industries business mentor (i.e. Selwyn Cambridge) assigned to the task via The Entrepreneurial Network–TEN Habitat (under entry & in-house fee compliance with their first Hybrid Accelerator Programme – launched in July/August, 2017). Also the Digital Impact Advisory Fund–(2022-2023) under Kathleen (Katie) Vaughan, Ronke Oladele, and Belem Saucedo; as well as the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships (LIF) Global-2023 under the Royal Academy of Engineering. –– Swipe/click across and also scroll further down this page to view CEMBI‘s founder, independent team members and other interests.
Meet Our Talented Team
In addition to the five team members pictured above, Other team members also effectively, and/or presently activated in this ongoing alliance include: Daniel Clarke-Whitehall, Global Customer Relationships Management Partner;| Christopher Lawrence & Seon Levius, DBA; Expert ICT (Systems Management) Advisor Team Partners;| Ajmal Nazir, Software Developer Team Lead – Taurus.One including Roderick A. Smith and Larry Augustine/ (3rd ICT Translator team);| Shannon Clarke, Software Requirements Specification [version 1]/ (2nd ICT Translator);| Cornerstone Creatives, Global Marketing/Public Relations Management Team – including Chryssy & Darrin Dalley, and team;| Wendy Hollingsworth, Ph.D (of Policy Networks International) & Helen Moss (attorney-at-law); Intellectual Property (IP) Consultant Team.
“LIF Global is a prestigious programme for leading technology entrepreneurs, that provides access to bespoke training and a lifelong global network that helps the commercialisation of their solutions. The LIF programme brings together emerging leaders who have an engineering-based innovation that contributes, or can contribute to social and economic development through commercialisation.”
Mentor – via LIF Global 2023
Professor David Falzani (MBE BEng MTech FIMechE CEng MBA AFHEA) – University of Nottingham:
Professor of Practice in Sustainable Wealth Creation
Special thanks and mention in business affairs also go to Romel Crawford; Tyrone Applewhaite; Kadeem Wharton; Selwyn Cambridge; Stephen Phillips, (and Ms. Sparkleann James for suggesting Mr. Marc Gibson who sent our [ team’s initial ICT Coordinator‘s] request for a graphic designer/technical assistance to his contacts, in which Kadeem Wharton responded, initiated and continue to lead the graphic design translation of BitEgreen’s technological solution); additionally Rahaim Sandiford re the logo designs; David Bynoe (Ph.D.), Karen Harper (and team & Silvana Joseph-Husbands and team); Tamara Francis (Bloom/BIDC officer); Akilah Phillips (Bloom/BIDC officer); Daniel Clarke-Whitehall; Alwyn Kirk; Dianna Greenidge; Sparkleann James & Frank Clarke (attorneys-at-law); and Expert ICT (Systems Management) Advisor Team members Christopher Lawrence & Seon Levius (DBA); Bobby Persaud (who connected us with our Software Developer Team); Ajmal Nazir & team; Wendy Hollingsworth (Ph.D.) & Helen Moss (attorney-at-law re IP); Professor David Falzani; Kathleen (Katie) Vaughan; Ronke Oladele; Chryssy & Darrin Dalley, and team; and also all Directors and Leaders; –for pivotal in kind supplemental assistance given to the venture’s development. To ALL who assisted and support in any way, we are deeply appreciative!
Outlying organizations with proven association or synergies through our interests include: Royal Academy of Engineering; DAI Global & IDB Lab – (Digital Impact Advisory Fund & EcoMicro Caribbean Program – Global Affairs of Canada); Microsoft (Project 15); World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator, University of the West Indies (UWI) & CERMES; Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI); Webstart; Policy Networks International Inc. (Wendy Hollingsworth, Ph.D.); Carnicycle; Sunrise Communications Limited; Caribbean Pivot; The Blue Lab; YLAI Network (i.e. in association with President Obama; also the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship, Caribbean); various tourism businesses; The Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association; ASIDEES; Common Seas (and others of interest).

UN House Barbados
It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.~ 🔹Charles Darwin
Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.~ 🔹Vince Lombardi
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.~ 🔹Andrew Carnegie