At CEMBI, eco-innovation services are available per business project.
We believe that any legitimate business is an environmental business. Every time a business operates without a clear and intentional environmental plan, there is additional burden placed on the world’s already overly stressed natural resources.
Services include:
1) Consultation to establish or confirm the best way forward to greening your product or service, or even your new business idea to ensure it is ethically designed from the start, to the end! – Consultation is FREE!
2) Environmental strategic direction; or development of an environmental/sustainable development strategic plan as required.
What is eco-innovation? According to the European Commission, eco-innovation is any innovation resulting in significant progress towards the goal of sustainable development, by reducing the impacts of our production modes on the environment, enhancing nature’s resilience to environmental pressures, or achieving a more efficient and responsible use of natural resources.
Great spontaneous feedback from Mr. Daniel Clarke-Whitehall.

Information Communications Technology (ICT) Expert Review ⤴️ CHANGES AND ADDITIONS TO BE MADE WERE ALSO COMMUNICATED.