Tag Archives: Caribbean News
Engaging the Caribbean and Its Diaspora
The Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative: Regional Workshop
Young Leaders Enjoy Cocktails With Ambassador Moreno

The Jamaica Gleanor — http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/social/20170609/young-leaders-enjoy-cocktails-ambassador-moreno
The Jamaica Gleanor —
• http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/social/20170609/young-leaders-enjoy-cocktails-ambassador-moreno
• https://www.pressreader.com/jamaica/jamaica-gleaner/20170609/282587377952970
Also view video of second day at workshop: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=808132672687315
Rihanna receives Humanitarian of the Year award at Harvard University
“So… I made it to Harvard. Never thought I’d be able to say that in my life!” The Harvard Cambridge Campus welcomed Rihanna with open arms as she accepted the Peter J.Read More…
Grenada to Ban Styrofoam Imports
ST GEORGE’S, Grenada (CMC) — The Grenada government said it is to table legislation banning the importation of Styrofoam and plastic as part of a proper waste management strategy. “I intend toRead More…
St. Vincent Bans Styrofoam Products
Research and Some Sense – Parrotfish and so much more
Meet the guys behind the informative, engaging and unapologetically Bajan videos. “So inappropriate.” That’s how Jehroum Wood and Marcus Myers often describe themselves. But they have been praised by thousands of socialRead More…