BitEgreen Market Promo Video

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Users of our web platform and app can improve production processes and/or reduce wastage. They can also verify health related actions; any other sustainable action; set thresholds for use of natural resources; and return any legally obtained waste resource (e.g. bottles, cardboard boxes, food waste, buttons, carnival costumes, construction materials, etc.) for verification, at an approved validator for BitEgreen Notes which is our digital currency.
This ecosystem allows persons with waste materials to identify manufacturers/sorters/artists interested in their resources hassle-free from the comfort of any place of their choosing through the application. The transaction is verified and BitEgreen Notes awarded to persons for supplying or returning the waste.
This digital currency can be used for gamification and to purchase general products and other recyclable materials listed in our marketplace – whether online, in person or in-store.
Key causes and effects:
• Recycling is less energy-demanding than producing new material, and helps to reduce emissions; in addition to sparing forest; preventing flooding due to blockages in drainage systems; and reducing places for vector mosquitoes to thrive in stagnant water.
• Preventing food waste saves energy and reduces production of leachate and greenhouse gases–especially methane which is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2.
• Improving carbon sequestration through facilitating production and use of organic fertilizers from organic waste.
• Reducing misuse or wastage of product resources via incentivizing and enhancing best practices and analysing data can decrease: energy use, wastage of portable water, demand for raw materials, and susceptibility to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).