Article link:
Creation Is Inconceivable, and So Are You
By Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, FRCP
By Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, FRCP
Human beings as we may know, are emotional animals like other mammals. However; this is a time when we must understand that to get 2 there are various equations including 1+1 thatRead More…
This quote can today be applied to the whole planet and I hope persons do not feel hopeless or inadequate once they understand it to be part of the process of change.Read More…
Recently came across this article and we agree!
“A spirituality that cannot bring about harmony and sustainability in society is impotent, and social activism without an authentic spiritual worldview behind it is also bound to burn out. Spirituality and true social change have to go together, each coming from a vision of deep interconnectedness and Oneness, spiraling out from the non-dual core at the centre of existence and being expressed in all our social systems. When this connection is consciously made, we consciously co-create in evolution’s unfolding…”
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